The endless vocabulary

Korean is the first language I’ve had the experience of deeply learning. I’m pretty firmly intermediate and I have a question for those who’ve learned a language to an advanced or fluent level.

I feel like at this point I have a good enough understanding of Korean grammar that I don’t have to look up grammar patterns anymore. The pronunciation isn’t difficult for me anymore and at this point I think the biggest barrier is vocabulary. It just seems like it’s endless waves of vocabulary that I don’t know yet. I’ve basically started just consuming native-level materials like books and tv most days instead of really sitting down to “study”, hoping that I’ll eventually consume enough vocabulary that I won’t run into new words so much.

Is this the intermediate plateau that people talk about? I’m wondering if it’s just because korean is such a different language from English or if learning any language is this way. Just vocab, vocab, vocab every day.

What’s been your experience with this and is consuming native materials every day the best way to get through it?

submitted by /u/geomeunbyul
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from Vitaj | Languagelearning
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