Target language sounding more "normal" the more I learn. Any way to avoid this?

I'm sure everyone experiences this but I don't know how to describe it properly: my native language doesn't have any specific "feel" to it, it's just sounds. With English it's very much the same because I've spoken it for most of my life. But when I started learning French, it sounded very sweet and even a bit sensual. Most languages that I listen to I can give 2 or 3 adjectives to describe it as well, even if I never heard it before. However, now that I've been learning French for close to a year, those feelings are sorta stopping and French is starting to sound just like Portuguese and English: regular speech. Every now and then a few specific sounds stand out and I remember what French used to sound like when I didn't know any of it, but most of the time I don't feel anything.
I think it's a bit hopeless, but has anyone been able to avoid this phenomenon, even partly? It's ironic and kind of sad that the reason I started learning French fades away the more I learn it.


submitted by /u/ricknewgate
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from Vitaj | Languagelearning
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