Question about Harry Potter

TL;DR: Has anyone read all seven Harry Potter books in your target L2? If so, how much of an improvement in your L2 did you achieve?

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I've been at a high B1 / low B2 in German for a few years. I rarely use my German, but it doesn't seem to fade, either.

I'm looking to consolidate and improve, and I'm thinking of reading all seven Harry Potter books in sequence.

I saw a post in the Data is Beautiful sub-reddit showing unique word counts per book. The first book has around 4k words, and the later books have around 7k words.

I'm sure there is overlap between the books, but I'd have to think that in totality, all seven books would contain enough vocabulary and grammar to cover C1 or even C2 use cases.

(This doesn't mean I'd understand all of it and achieve this level, I'm just using this as a reference point.)

I am not interested in sitting for an exam and certifying my CEFR level. I just want to read something interesting and improve my German.

That said, I am curious how much I'd improve if I read these books over the next 9 - 12 months.

Just curious on others' experiences here...

submitted by /u/Aslanovich1864
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