Podcast Learning SOS

Hi all,

I have just begun a full time costodial job that will be giving me loads of free podcast-listening time. I am hoping to use this time to learn a new language. I am a native English speaker with a little bit of highschool/ elementary school french. I am open to learning whatever as long as it's fun and doable via podcasts.

If anybody has any suggestions for fun, language teaching podcasts, that would be very much appreciated! I am not picky about usefulness of said language for my day-to-day life, and would prefer a trickier language with fun, engaging hosts than an easier one (like french) that would have me bored enough to turn it off.

I'm super excited to get started, and would appreciate any podcast (or equivalent) suggestions, and first hand accounts of this style of learning.


submitted by /u/basktsale
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from Vitaj | Languagelearning https://ift.tt/2n6VOnw
via Learn Online English Speaking
