Learning languages when HoH

Hi everyone,

I have a huge interest in languages and really want to learn more. I am a native English speaker and know some level of German. I would say I am intermediate for written German, enough to read quite complex books etc. - I mostly understand but still somewhat struggle with my copy of Die Verwandlung. However my speaking and listening in German is absolutely terrible. I struggle with even a basic spoken conversation, but if I can communicate via written German e.g. via texts or online, I am quite comfortable with it. This is sort of my own fault though as I largely taught myself and have somewhat neglected the spoken language as it is hard for me.

I am currently taking a beginner Mandarin class and my teacher is giving us regular listening tests - some of which include writing what we hear on the recording in pinyin which is hard for me as the words are given without context for me to know what they are (I have two separate classes - my oral class uses only pinyin and reading/writing characters is taught in the other class which I find much, much easier and I fear I may end up in the same position with Mandarin as with German). I also struggle to hear the difference between similar sentences, for example there was a multiple choice answer with two sentences where one started with 我 and the other with 你 (which are quite different but share a tone, which is the easiest thing for me to hear) but they were otherwise the same and I spent several minutes replaying them trying to hear what the difference was as I could not make it out and thought there may have been a problem with the audio files on the test. I also have trouble with speaking as I cannot replicate my teacher's pronunciation when she corrects me - I have no idea if she is aware I am HoH but the university is aware so she may be?

I am hard of hearing and wear hearing aids, and I do struggle hearing in English sometimes as well and have to ask people to repeat themselves a lot. I wanted to ask if anyone in a similar position has had any success learning foreign (spoken) languages, particularly German and Mandarin, and if so what did you to do achieve this?

submitted by /u/iphonesupremacist
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