Language skill levels expressed as a percentage of skills of educated native speaker

If we choose the skill level of an average well-educated, adult, native spekear as a point of reference, unit and ultimate goal, and ascribe to it the value of linguistic skill of 100%, I am wondering how, on the same scale would score some other typical skill levels.

Here's my assesment. Then I am curious about yours:

A) just theoretical - comprehensive knowledge of a language (like knowing all words in Oxford English Dictionary, all the uses, all the tiniest shades of meaning) - 5000-10000%

B) Expert scholar on the language, linguist, who is also a native speaker of that language - 200-300%

C) World-famous writer, novelist, who is also a native speaker - 120-240%

D) An erudite, polymath, etc... who is also a native speaker - around 200%

E) Average PhD, native - around 130%

F) An average well-educated (college/university graduate - bachelor or master degree) adult native speaker - 100%

G) C2 - 85%

H) Blue collar adult native speaker - 80%

I) Average native teen - 75%

J) C1 - 60%

K) Average native school child - aged 12 - 58%

L) B2 - 45%

M) B1 - 30%

N) A2 - 15%

O) A1 - 7%

Of course I pulled all these percentages out of a certain place... so yeah, it's just my wild guess.

How much do you agree/disagree? What do you think, what is the max percentage, a non-native speaker can achive?

submitted by /u/hn-mc
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