Language learning from scratch

I’ve been wondering this for quite a while now. This is purely hypothetic.

Let’s say English is my mother tongue and I really would like to learn Nepalese. I start looking for someone who is willing to let me work and live in Nepal (some volunteering or normal chores etc) and is happy to actively help learning their language. Let’s say this all works out good. Then the idea is to NEVER speak English (actually living with someone that does not even speak English might be better).

From this point on my examples are in English since I can’t speak Nepalese.

You would start from scratch: introducing each other like moms do to their babies: Nepalese person while pointing to themselves: “I am/my name is...” and pointing to you “who are you?/you are...” and so on. Even when you want something you point to for example some food without using any words at first: pointing to tomato, Nepalese person: while giving tomato “yes you can have the tomato”, and so on and so on. Well, I hope you get my point here.

Would this in any way be super effective? Would this help getting rid of boundaries like basic language rules? Would you be able to learn faster and remember better?

Another example: I had a professor who was from the US. He came to teach in The Netherlands (where I’m from) and eventually married a Dutch woman. Now, he told me that when he fell in love and started dating with his then girlfriend/now wife, her brother was very enthusiastic about teaching Dutch to him and started doing exactly what I described above: NO English at all, starting with extremely basic things. Only Dutch. He learned the Dutch language in 4 months (and I’m talking near fluency).

I’m curious what you think about this way of learning!

submitted by /u/peewhere
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from Aloha | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
