I thought I'd share my Russian, Japanese and Chinese anki decks, in case anyone was interested.

I shared my Japanese and Russian decks on Reddit over the summer(here are the posts for reference: 1, 2) , and received a lot of appreciative people. I thought that some of you fellow language learners on here might appreciate also using my deck, especially since I know how much shared decks have helped me out in the past. Please feel free to leave any feedback and enjoy guys!

My Russian Deck: It's more of a really good introduction to beginner words into mid-intermediate. Some of the sentences will be challenging, others will be long. But this deck helped me beyond belief. By far my most pride and joy, as far as Anki Decks go.

My Japanese Deck: It's a good deck to pick up when you are mid-upper intermediate. There's a lot of example sentences, but not a lot of forced sentences to learn (so the majority is vocab). I think this is probably the best for someone whose had 4 college semesters of Japanese (little less than 2 years) or wants a bit of a challenge after 2 semesters (about 1 year).

My Chinese Deck: This deck is for advanced Chinese learners. Do not bother with this deck, unless you are trying to break through that B2-C1 wall. This has a lot of technical terms, as well as very slangy colloquial talk (especially used by gay men). It will get you to a point in Chinese where you can pretty much talk about anything freely (without knowing the exact words at times). Warning though, some words are super technical and rarely used in speech (some of the words dealing with prostitution or the Chinese emperor/dynasty system, for instance).

submitted by /u/Aahhhanthony
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