How about a flash card tournament?

I used it with some success with the school kids I taught English to. I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in it to learn Spanish with me.

It's simple. Two people get on Skype, Discord, WhatsApp, etc. They should have agreed on a set of words or sentence structures to use. One person should say a word from the set in English while the other person should say it in Spanish within two seconds. They get a point if they get it right. Then it's the turn of the other person. Or they can make a sentence in English using the words in the agreed upon sentence structure. The other person has to say it in Spanish. More points can be allotted to that.

It was effective for the students because, other than it being a game, the students observed which words their opponents struggled with and made it a point to say the words multiple times. Sure, they got more points but it reinforced the words in the other students minds and they got more determined to remember it. I made it a tournament by pairing them up of two and then had the winners play the other winners.

I'm learning Spanish and I'm totally slacking. Is anyone interested? My level is very basic with a vocabulary of just 200 words and a few sentence structures. If anyone's interested, we can plan and have a few light-hearted competitions every weekend or something. And we can do it as a tournament if a few more join.

If you're not interested to join but nonetheless have a comment to make regarding this, please feel free to share your thoughts.

submitted by /u/boyohboyitsmytimeto
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from Vitaj | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
