embedded clauses in serbo-croatian

I have a syntax problem in embedded clauses, I was trying to study some basic serbo-croation and came across this weird structure. In an embedded clause like this: Znam da je to knjiga (Знам да је то књига) Why inversion happens? Why is it ungrammatical to say: Znam da je to knjiga (Знам да je то књига)

But then I tried negating it and it was normal like Znam da to nije knjiga (Знам да то није књига)

Does this inversion happen often or is it this peculiar case?

I tried to find a good syntax paper that has more examples of this but didn't find any. I was actually looking for a (generative) theoretical syntax answer for it, but any explanation would be great, thanks.

submitted by /u/albertica14
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