Bilingual people, how do you swap languages in your head

I'm French/American, I used to think in both languages, but after studying a couple years in the UK, I feel like I'm a full English-thinker now and for the love of god I'm not able to think in French again. Like my thoughts go rampant in English, my mind races in English, but in French my mind goes blank, even though it's my most talked and first language! I naturally veer towards English thoughts in my daily life, when thinking about anything. I didn't do myself any favors because I avoided all forms of francophone, the only French contact I had was with my family and friends.

I'm back in France and I have French exams to take soon, which is really bothering me, because I can't get into the mindset to fully immerse in French, which impairs my reading comprehension & writing skill. A lot of the time I translate my English thoughts in my head to write in French. Not time effective.

I'm trying to immerse myself in French as much as I can, but I can't stop thinking in English ! If any of you have any tips to balance the scale so I can pass my exams I'll be really grateful!

This isn't totally relevant to the sub, but I'm here because I'm sure this is the place I'll find the most bilinguals & language lovers

Thanks <3

submitted by /u/vivenetflixvivelafr
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