Another "Which Flashcard App is the Best?" Post...But With a Twist

Hi language nerds,

I've got a friend who's trying to revive an indigenous language. Each week she makes a public video with a new word. The problem is that watching a 2 minute video for one piece of vocab is not an efficient way to learn the language. I offered to help her out by creating flashcards in an app (she's not tech savvy) so that she can provide the general public with a way to study the material in a more efficient manner.

My preferred app of choice is Flashcards Deluxe - I've used it in my own studies on Spanish and I've created custom decks with recorded sound and it's worked great. I was going to do the same for this project, but I'm wondering if perhaps there is a better way app out there.

So I put the question to you oh great hivemind: which is the best app for this project. Keep in mind the following parameters:

The app MUST:

- be able to add customized decks (for obvious reasons)
- be able to support embedded sound clips (the goal is to get people speaking the language so sound is a must)


- is not too complicated to use (I hope to aim this at the general public - those people who want to learn a phrase here and there; therefore it needs to be simple to use - or as simple as possible)
- uses SRS
- is available on Android and iPhone as an app
- is available for free or very cheap (i.e. under $5 - lowering the barrier for learning the language)

I looked through the wiki. Mnemosyne seems like a decent option but I don't know if it has phone app. Anki seems like it might be more complicated than Flaschards Deluxe and it the iPhone cost is prohibitive.

But tell me what you think!

submitted by /u/lenguaman
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from Selamat datang | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
