Roadmap for learning Russian?

So my fiance is originally from Russia, my work sends me to Central Asia on a regular basis and for too damn long I've put off learning anything beyond the basics of Russian.

My fiance is willing to teach me of course but I feel I need some kind of course to do that I can then practice with her as a supplement. I've dabbled in Duolingo but what really just puts me off is the lack of structure. I remember about 10 years ago for school Spanish we had this program called Byki that would like teach you a lesson and then refresh everything you had previously learned. I remember it being pretty effective, I guess I want something similar.

Can someone recommend a digital course or series of courses I can study? I don't care if I have to pay for it. I think I can generally commit to about an hour each day if I just have some direction.

submitted by /u/hyperxenophiliac
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