Looking for recommendations on bettering Spanish speaking skills..

Hi everyone. I am looking for recommendations on how to better my Spanish speaking. As a 28 year old half Cuban woman, I grew up in a family that spoke primarily Spanish to each other but not to us kids. My sister had a learning disability so my parents chose to just speak English growing up. Now as an adult, I have a pretty good understanding of everything spoken to me but I get really hung up on sentence structure and my overall confidence in my ability to speak to others in Spanish.

I think my biggest hang up is conjugating. I’ve tried duo lingo but it’s very elementary and I lose interest. My partner is Guatemalan and I want to be able to communicate better when we visit his country and family, as well as with my own family. I no longer live near my family so I figured trying a different program may help. I’m just feeling stuck midway between have a solid basis/understanding what is spoken to me but little confidence in being able to respond correctly. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

submitted by /u/BugzMiranda
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