German vs French

Hi all, I need some advice on between choosing between German or French.

I have also seen older posts about this and other websites on the Internet. But it seems to me that not all the information is up to date, and I would love to know what you think.

Also, in the end, I know that it also depends on my specific set of circumstances, but I really can't decide. Right now, I live in the US, and my major is Econ, but I'm not quite sure about my career. In terms of GDP, Germany definitely has a leg up over France, but France's influence is more widespread than that of Germany's. A few of my friends have learned/are learning French, so I'd have help if I decide on French. But I'm not too worried about the difficulty (I think?); I just can't decide which I like better and would be more useful.

submitted by /u/porcupine_joe
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