Does there exist complete lists of all the sentences/phrases of a certain language on Duolingo?

I feel like it would really help me learn if there were a list of all sentences/phrases in each lesson in Duolingo, like in Memrise. Right now, I can't even tell how many sentences/phrases there are in a lesson. I want to be able to review all the sentences/phrases in a linear sequence, without having to go through a practice or learning session. Even just a collection of the links to the forum discussion pages, e.g.,, would be extremely useful.

For me personally, uninterrupted, mechanical repetitions have always been an integral part to learning a language. I'd like to listen to sentences/phrases on repeat all day until I have internalized them. Then I just instinctively know what sounds right and what doesn't, and from there, it's a lot easier to identify and master rules of grammar.

I wonder if such lists already exist somewhere. If not, I feel like such a feature would be a low-hanging fruit for Duolingo to implement, which I would happily pay for. Alternatively, I wonder if anyone else is interested in jointly creating such a list (I am learning Russian right now).

submitted by /u/SpicySpySpice
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