Comprehensible Input and Anki.

What exactly is the best type of Anki cards to produce to use the concept of comprehensible input? Someone said there is a Japanese shared deck based on comprehensible input, but even searching Japanese shared decks that term doesn't exist. I'm eager to apply this to Spanish starting September 1st and I'm compiling resources to do so presently. I'm going to have 5 hours a day to study so I can get a lot done in relatively quickly.

It seems to me what Fluent Forever advocates for the first 625 words where you have an image of what the word is on the front and the word/pronunciation on the back without using my native English to learn the word, fits that notion of comprehensible input. Later to use omitted words on cards for the same purpose as well as showing grammatical concept without actual study of grammar.

submitted by /u/PolyglotTraining
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