Anyone upset with Integrated Chinese textbook's style of characters?

I have just gotten this textbook as I was learning the language in a very unformatted way in the past. I think it is a very helpful, structured, and informative textbook, but my one complaint is the style of the actual characters. Learning and memorizing the characters proves to be one of the hardest aspects of this language, and the textbook has decided to use almost decorative style of characters throughout the book. Almost like they are handwritten. In the past, I have found it very helpful to learn the characters in the "standard" format i.e. the format you find in newspapers, google translate, the internet, etc.

Can someone shed some light as to why they choose this style of writing? Has it been helpful or a nuisance to others? And, is there a version of the book, or a similar textbook with a more standard character writing style?

submitted by /u/wallstreetloser000
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