Do you spell correctly in your L2 or just ... don't bother

I've had this problem with English (my L2) for a while. I consider myself proficient at the language and I know exactly which words I want to use when I write but when it comes to the longer more difficult words I only use once in a blue moon they're just ... wrong. I can see that they don't look right but can't for the life of me figure out how to spell them correctly. It took me quite a while of deliberate practice to figure out how to spell "language". Today I was about to post a comment on something-or-other and wanted to use the word: veiacle, viacle, the car-thingy that starts with a "v", at that point I just gave up in frustration and decided to not write at all.

My question is: How do you deal with this frustration of not being able to spell words that "seem" simple enough? Do you use another simpler word? Do you look it up? Or do you just don't care and let other people play detective?

submitted by /u/LinaB02
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from Benvinguts | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
