Words for "Getting to know someone" / "About self"

Wanting to make a comprehensive list of words for the most important parts of a language ie self, travel/directions, places, eating out, shopping, recreation/going out

Let's start with self.


name + surname + given name

age + birthday

country + yours + hometown + city + town + countryside

family + mother + father + brother + sister + uncle + aunt + cousin + niece

job + banking + accounting + marketing + teaching + secretary + doctor + seller + nurse + engineer + waiter/waitress

school + university + major + dormitory

home + house + apartment


Add some words you think are important or that I am missing for getting to know someone or talking about ones self.

Keeping it simple for first part ie name, age, where ya from, where ya live, whats your occupation, what do you study, who's in your family etc etc

submitted by /u/BrasilianPaisa
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