Is it worth trying to preserve my German knowledge?

So I took German in high school, and would like to say I got up to an A2 level, but am now easily below an A1(it's been like 3 years), and as I've started to learn Spanish I've been wondering if there's any point in trying to preserve the little German knowledge I retain. I love the language(as I do all languages), but have sorta fallen out of love with it, and don't have the passion for the language I used to have. Regardless, I feel a sense of duty to preserve this knowledge I have in case I ever do decide to go back to it, and even feel like I should start learning the language again, though I think that's a bad idea. Is it worth trying to hold on to the slivers of German knowledge I have? Has anyone else had a similar situation to this with a language they used to be learning but are no longer learning? Hope this post fits the sub, and thanks in advance for the advice.

submitted by /u/fargoniac
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from B’a’ntulena | Languagelearning
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