Is it possible to learn something from listening or watching and not analyzing?

What if I spend few hours a day listening to podcasts in my target language while doing chores, homework, etc. Sometimes a movie or a tv show on top of that. The question is a little silly, I know, but will I learn something like that? That is usually how People learn languages; babies, for example, learn to talk in their native language because everyone else around them already does. They don't spend hours on Duolingo or go to a course. They take apart the sentences and put them together in a simpler way. Or an immigrant: some of them learned a language from being immersed into the public that speaks that language. I am an immigrant, I have been through this, and I am pretty sure I was not taught some things but rather picked them up from conversations.

Anyway, it did sounded silly, but think about it. Maybe it is a good idea.

Tl;dr I suggest listening to podcasts in a target language for a few hours a day without analyzing them to learn a language. This even applies for people who don't understand most of what they hear in a podcast.

submitted by /u/TheBullet3D
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from B’a’ntulena | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
