How Many Sentences should I learn?

hi I am currently learning Chinese, I have been farting around with a few different anki decks for a while and have learnt maybe 75 words of usefully vocabulary and probably 200 words of virtually pointless words. for a while I was doing an "80/20" style approach based off this but I heard it was better to learn with sentences so I am using this my worry is that I will spend longer with sentences and get less return on time invested as opposed to the 1000 most common words which make up 90%+ of the spoken language. what would the better thing to do be words or sentences? and if sentences how can I "80/20" it for maximum results with as little time as possible?

all answers are much appreciated thanks!

submitted by /u/bigpapi29
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from B’a’ntulena | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
