Gesture for a language learner?

I hope no one minds my asking this...

My new partner is interested in languages, he's a native English speaker and he's pretty fluent in Spanish, he's interested in European languages. It's his main interest at the moment and he often slips into speaking other languages.

I didn't start to learn English until I was seven, so by the time we were learning foreign languages on school I was still struggling with English - thus I've never been able to pick up new languages.

I'd just like to show some sort of gesture or maybe give him some small gift to acknowledge what he's interested in, to show interest in him. But I'm clueless as to what to do to show an interest in languages when...well...I've no interest in learning languages (or if I did I'd want to learn Farsi or Arabic, not European languages).

It's a long shot, but I thought I'd ask.


submitted by /u/JayKayVay
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from B’a’ntulena | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
