Does our brain need "rest days" from language learning?

I like to consider learning languages like doing strength training at the gym--it's hard but if you keep at it, you'll be at the next level without even realizing it. Unintuitively, we need rest days from strength training because it's the healing process that creates muscle inflammation and growth (don't quote me).

Anyway, I was wondering if it could be the same for the language learning process and our brains. I've been studying French daily for about 6 months now (mostly just TV, youtube, and reading at this point), and I wonder if it's any more useful to study every day than every other day. In fact, could it be even better to study only every other day because our brain needs rest to synthesize the information?

Has anyone heard of research on this? Or has anyone tried going from daily to 3-4 times a week or vice versa and not seen any changes? Curious to know :)

submitted by /u/miianah
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from B’a’ntulena | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
