Does anyone here use children's books as a resource?

This is my first venture into learning a new language, I am a native English speaker trying to learn Russian. I am finding that I am learning a lot more reading Russian than if I just try to listen. The listening has helped me learn to hear the alphabet and break words apart. This was very helpful because at first, it seems like Russians are speaking very fast (likely due to the vastly different alphabet, it's hard to hear individual words).

I would love to start reading more Russian material, the problem is that I need basic stories due to my vocabulary being low. I can read through newpaper articles and internet posts, but I don't know what the words I am reading actually are unless they are close to English or have pictures for context.

Does anyone use children's books? It seems like a good resource, but I am not sure where to start.

submitted by /u/dualrollers
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from B’a’ntulena | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
