Any Arabs here? Mutual intelligibility

Given the vast differences between dialects, I'm curious if how you communicate in practice.

Eg You're a university student from Tunisia travelling to Jordan for an event. You meet with other local university students. So basically you're all well educated. You go out for drinks. Are you likely to speak Arabic between yourselves? Or much more likely English? Or even French? Given that you all speak multiple languages.

Or, you're a not so educated man from Oman but you speak some English You go to holiday in Italy and meet someone from Egypt. He also speaks some English. You're likely to speak Arabic or English?

If the answer is Arabic in most of situations of this type, how easy is it to communicate? How do you make it work?

My first instinct is that you will speak standard modern Arabic, but I've also heard that apart from the media, this language is very formal and no one uses it in every day speech.

submitted by /u/uw888
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from B’a’ntulena | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
