Question on the Scandinavian Languages

I have the goal of being able to read in all 3 continental North Germanic languages (Norwegian/Swedish/Danish), as there is material in all three I am interested in, and I know the three languages are quite similar, particularly in the written form.

With that being said, I realize that I am only going to be able to directly learn one, and pursue the others via learning the grammatical/vocabulary differences between them, after reaching an a stage in which I can comfortably read in the first.

To anyone who has experience with these languages, would you have a suggestion as to which would be the correct language of the three to learn, with my goals in mind?

If it is of any relevance, the time frame of material I am mostly interested ranges from the early 1800's to today, with a majority of it falling into the early 1800's to mid 1900's.

Thank you in advance to anyone who has advice to give on the matter!

submitted by /u/justaquick_questi_on
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