Is Vietnamese worth learning for a native italian speaker?

My native language is italian, I started learning English in elementary school and now I am nearly fluent then in middle school and high school I started French and German too but I am barely intermediate and honestly my German is quite poor. I am better in French and I can write it decently but I still have to practice my speaking skills.

I considered learning Korean and Spanish after Hs because I have been thinking about it for ages, I really want to learn them.

Realistically though I cannot learn French, German, Korean, Spanish and Vietnamese all that once lmao

I considered dropping German temporarly since it is my least favorite language and the hardest for me and focus on French, Spanish and Korean but idk

In the past I thought about the possibility of learning multiple languages and many were in the list: Japanese, Russian, Afrikkans, Swahili, Hindi, Chinese, Portoguese etc

I am more interested in Asian languages though generally speaking. I am surely doing Korean after I will have more free time to focus after HS but idk about Vietnamese. I read it is quite hard for English native speakers but it is similar to French and Italian to some degree, there is no new alphabet, no plurals or genders, no strict conjugations etc

I am friends with a Vietnamese guy online who can speak it very little but we kinda like each other (lmao) but I don't want it to be the only excuse but for me every excuse is good to get interested in a new language...

I have never been to Vietnam, in the future I thought that being able to speak/read/understand multiple languages including 'less common' ones might give me a job faster if I am working in a language related field (English and German have A LOT of competition because English is taught everywhere here in Italy and German too but less).

submitted by /u/randomthrowawayy1223
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via Learn Online English Speaking
