Anybody else able to speak very well but not understand?

I've tried searching this topic online but almost every result was about being able to understand a language but unable to speak it. I started learning Spanish about 4 years ago and can have a conversation with friends and their families easily, but I can't for the life of me ever understand them. They're often surprised by how well I can speak and compliment me for not sounding like a "gringo", but when they reply to me they have to speak in English or very, very slow Spanish and I can't understand shows in Spanish at all unless there's Spanish subtitles.

It's very frustrating and discouraging because I've also learned in linguistics class that language comprehension usually comes easier than language production and it makes me feel like I've done something wrong by learning it the other way around. I've started learning French recently as well and don't want to run into the same thing, so I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem and how they overcame it.

submitted by /u/gayhallucination
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