Need help with research concerning intercultural interaction

Hi guys, I have been pressed into writing a research proposal for the university I work at. Very broadly, my proposal concerns peer-to-peer collaborations of students from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds through digital mediums like FaceTime, Skype, etc. We're in collaboration with another school overseas. The action research and data collection is going fine. But after many years of teaching and so long since I was in grad school myself, I'm rusty when it comes to doing the literature review for my paper. So I'm wondering if anyone can recommend theorists and researchers for me to read about who are similar in nature to Lev Vygotsky, especially his work concerning zone of proximal development and social interactionists. Not looking for any help on the paper itself, just someone to point me in the direction of other similar researchers I can read about (and perhaps the names of some of their theories or papers).

submitted by /u/presidentkangaroo
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