Extremely difficult to remember.

Hi there, I'm a teeneger from Brazil and I've learning english since September/18.

I've studying everyday, usually 2h per day being 1h listening and 1h searching for new sentences while I'm reading anything and doing anki reps.

I have 2900 anki sentences and some of it are monolinguee sentences.

But there is a big problem and I only could realized that a few days ago. I noticed that I need to see some structures to remember, to be more clearly, while I'm writing this I need to stop over and over again to remember some words and how to put it into a right context. It happens mainly with phrasal verbs.

However, I read and listen too much in english, then I remember of the most words and phrasal verbs when I am doing these things, but when I'm writing or speaking seems that I forget everything that I know.

It will be lack of sink into the language? Or as time goes by I will be able to remember?

Correct me if it's necessary, please.

thx at all.

submitted by /u/humpft
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