Translating something from your L1 to your L2 in order to learn (not just practice) the target language?

Been trying to learn Spanish for a while, have a phrase book and a bunch of textbooks. I keep getting bored, forgetting what I learned, and having to start all over again. But I'm also too shy to actually talk to people (and I don't want to wait until I've overcome said insecurity to learn another language), nor can I afford tutoring.

I read through the Nonneb Guide on language learning, and #1/Listening-Reading sounds most intriguing, but I also know I lack have the concentration and self-discipline to stick to such study method.

Has anyone had any luck translating something from your native language into your target language in order to learn (not just practice) the target language? I have an account on Lang-8 but that only seems to work with short journal entries. I'm thinking of translating entire stories.

That sounds fun, but a good point the Nonneb Guide made several times was the risk of inefficient learning. So I don't want to just start poorly translating something and waste another year "doing" Spanish without really learning anything.

I'm pretty handy with learning grammatical structures. I'm just terrible at picking up and retaining vocabulary, and without the vocabulary, my limited grammar knowledge is basically useless (and that's before the nightmare of irregularities - if English weren't my native language, I'm not sure I could ever learn it).

submitted by /u/Nyxelestia
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