Resource assistance.

Hey guys,

I'm having a little trouble. Essentially im going off to university this year and in my 4th year im going to be able to go abroad and study at a partner university. I'm split between picking korea and hong kong for the destination.

However, I don't speak either language. I speak 2 languages already (English/Albanian), i study french with a tutor and self study japanese using the genki textbooks.

Which brings me to my question;

Is there any textbooks which are equivalent to the genki set for korean or mandarin, the genki books have been very helpful in explaining things and i was hoping someone would be able to point me towards a similar resource for korean or chinese. I was hoping to experience a little bit of each language before i commit to 3 years of learning alongside my degree.

submitted by /u/A40101101
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from howaimbawai| Languagelearning
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