Cool book to learn Russian verbs in a non-overwhelming way

Hi guys!

I've been learning Russian for a couple of years now, but if there's a thing that I still find troublesome that's probably verbs. Lots of irregularities and strange usages.

I've thus started looking for a grammar book that could help me tackle them in a non-overwhelming way and I've found this book called "The Big Silver Book of Russian Verbs".

I've taken a look at it and oh boy, that's exactly what I was looking for! The first 30-ish pages of the book are grammar explanations, but then it moves on to simple charts that explain different verbs one by one (555 verbs in total).

What I like about it is that at the end of each chart there are many example sentences (including idioms), but they are not random: they conjugate the verbs in many different ways to make sure that you learn its many different forms. I've been importing these example sentences on Anki like a madman as soon as I saw them.

I highly recommend it to anyone who's learning Russian!

submitted by /u/Valdast94
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