Anyone else get kind of annoyed at how lax native speakers are about accent marks and stuff?

Just kind of a rant. I have been studying to take a C1 exam in Spanish and I was -half-jokingly- saying that even though I learned it a long time ago, I still sometimes feel like I am guessing when putting accent marks in the imperative mood. Anyway, they hit me with the, " And don't worry about accents, even most native Spanish speakers don't know where to apply them " and I had to really fight the urge to run away and block them.

Like, you know I am preparing for an official exam and, according to you, natives don't know where to apply the accents so I should just throw up my hands and say, "Welp I'll just get those points off on the exam!". This is only a specific example but I often get put off when doing written language exchange with native speakers because they'll just avoid putting accents as they type. (That's fine if we are just chatting but you know I'm here to improve x language right? ) I guess the closest example I can think of is that if I am doing a language exchange I avoid writing things such as "ur" "u" etc because they are learning English and even native speakers get (Your, You're) confused.

Maybe I'm being too picky xD

submitted by /u/Compisbro
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