Translation of an introductory course for Breton

I have been toying with the idea of translating V. Seité's Breton par l'image (published 1973). It is an introductory course designed to teach basic Breton to beginners and was published in 1973. It consists of 35 lessons and teaches around 500 words.
I like the simple format and the straightforward explanations and thought that English speakers may be interested in having this resource available. To test the water, I have translated the first three lessons (and added a preface with some informations on Breton, spelling, and pronunciation), which you can see download:

Explanations on pronunciation are quite lacking (and when they exist they are mostly based on comparison with French) so I have added some here and there but if the project takes off, this section would probably need a lot more reworking.

Let me know if there is some interest in such a thing! If yes, I'll try and contact the copyright owners to secure permission.

Original can be downloaded here.

submitted by /u/tacire_niyalma
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