Quality versus quantity

I'm just curious about your opinions on this issue. I know that everyone is probably different.

When learning a language, where do you initially put most of your focus? Do you choose quality and really work on pronunciation, word order, and vocabulary before you start trying to function in the language? Or do you work on quantity, trying to expose yourself to as much of the language as possible, even if it's a bit too hard; speaking even though you know your grammar is probably wrong; writing stuff before you know the exact spelling, etc.?

I've been going at this from a quantity perspective. Right now I can talk about a lot of stuff, but my grammar is extremely messy. Sometimes I repeat the sentence and try to correct myself so I don't make the mess a habit. I got bored of easy stuff so I've been reading/listening to hard stuff and missing 60+% of the content. I'm just wondering if I should go back to basics or if it will eventually fall into place.

submitted by /u/SweetPickleRelish
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