How to work around an inability to roll my r’s?

Hey guys. So back when I was learning Spanish, I was pretty good at it. I loved it so much I was considering majoring in it. However, I soon discovered that I couldn’t roll my r’s. Words like perro and ferrocarril make me sound like a bad Chewbacca impersonator. As much advice as I’ve sought in learning to roll my tongue, I simple can’t do it. Eventually I gave up Spanish, partly because I was embarrassed that I sounded like such a gringo when speaking.

Now I’m learning a SE Asian language and, surprise, surprise, it uses a slight rolled r. I have been trying to fake it as much as possible by tapping my tongue on the roof of my mouth, but I’m wondering if I should just avoid trying to replicate the sound any further. Does anyone have any advice for this? What a curse to love languages and be unable to make this sound... 🙇‍♂️

submitted by /u/bspencer626
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from Тавтай морилогтун | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
