Help understanding spoken French?

I'm in my first semester of college and was placed into intermediate French through a multiple choice test. I took two years of French in high school and am able to read and write on that level well. However on the first day of class I discovered that the professor was a native frenchwoman who would be teaching the class entirely in French. My French teacher in high school very rarely actually spoke French to us and definitely never actually taught in French. Basically I can't understand anything she's saying to us.

I brought this up to her and she was shocked that I got placed into that class without being able to understand spoken French and said that the department probably wouldn't let me drop down into a lower course because I placed highly on the test. My question is, do you think I'll be able to pick up on what she's saying quickly enough to do well in the class? Is there any way I can effectively practice understanding spoken French? I've spent the last few hours trying to listen to French children shows but I can't even understand those fully even with French subtitles (and English subtitles seems like it defeats the point). Should I keep trying or just drop the class? I only have a few days to decide.

TL;DR Is it plausible that I can quickly learn to understand spoken French already having the ability to read/write fairly well, or should I switch to another language before I kill my GPA.

submitted by /u/a-large-bee
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