A random encounter where I understood something!

So I’m learning Spanish. I’ve always liked the language and I actually have some people in real life to practice with too. Between that and some apps I’m using, I’m doing pretty good (with the basics, anyway)

I was sitting in KFC with someone yesterday, eating obviously. And out of nowhere I hear a family behind me. But they weren’t talking English, they were speaking Spanish. This is in Ireland so that’s not as common as other places.

Before I even had time to think I heard “sí” which I obviously understood, and “creo que no” which is what made me excited. Because it actually gave me some insight into their conversation at least. It’s not a lot and I still have a lot of work to do, but that’s probably the first time I’ve ever really felt like I could speak another language. Even though I didn’t do any speaking at all.

submitted by /u/Can_You_Knot
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from Тавтай морилогтун | Languagelearning http://bit.ly/2RFQnt5
via Learn Online English Speaking
