Is there any way to video chat native soeakers?

I was just watching a video on polyglots (how they learned so many languages), which actually got me really motivated, hearing about how other people had the same struggles that I'm having right now.

But one of the tips in the video was, to just start speaking your second language as soon as you can. And as he was explaining, a video of a polyglot video chatting a native speaker popped up.

Is there any actual way to video chat native speakers instead of just texting them? It would really help with pronunciation, since Russian is really kicking me in the face with pronunciation right now haha.

I mean, hellotalk and tandem are just for texting mostly, and I suppose you could just set Omegles language to something different so it'll connect you to people who also speak that language... just that's just too risky, because if it's anything like Omegle in English, all you'll get is... guys showing a little too much.

Anyways, is there anything like that? Thanks.

submitted by /u/Soph19310
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via Learn Online English Speaking
