How do you prioritize?

I’m fluent in a few languages (English, Spanish and Farsi). I’m 27 and I’ve set a goal for myself to be ‘professionally fluent’ in Arabic, French and Turkish by the time I’m 30. I’m conversational in French and Arabic (primarily the Levantine dialect), and I’m just starting Turkish.

I just wanted to get a consensus from you guys. Do you give the same amount of time to every language that you’re learning or do you prioritize certain ones over others?

For example, I do about 30 minutes of upkeep with Farsi everyday (usually by listening to the news) and I let my Spanish get rusty cus I know I can get it back in a matter of minutes. I give French and Arabic about the same amount of time. I’m not sure if I should put more time into Turkish since I hardly know it or if I should wait until I hit higher levels in Arabic and French before I put something else on my plate.

submitted by /u/SA99999
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