How do you balance language acquisition and working life?

Hey all

I’m lucky enough to have spent a year studying chinese at a university, and now to have found a job at a company here in shanghai. I’d say my chinese (considering I have only studied for a year) is conversational-ish but I still find it quite hard to understand fully when people speak to me, and how to express myself properly. I’m also lucky that whilst the main language in my working environment is English (also it’s a Swedish company so there’s also Swedish and 上海话 around) the majority of my co workers are chinese so occasionally I try to chat with them. But I have to say I’m quite intimidated to try as often I can’t clearly express exactly what I mean.

However, if I’m honest, I’m not the most disciplined student and the combination of my laziness and my hectic life schedule has made it really hard to find time to study. Any advice would be really appreciated!

submitted by /u/LordCreamCheese
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