Best daily routine

Hey /languagelearning/

I was wondering: what do you think it's the best daily routine to learn a language? I'm learning German (B1) and what I do every day is this:

- ~1h of listening. What I do is watch an episode of a show that I've already seen (It helps a lot, for context). Without subtitles, since Netflix's German subtitles don't match the spoken words.

- ~1h of studying words (Anki spaced repetition), writing (a journal entry, a film review, or whatever) or reading.

I also have class once a week (2h), and I'm looking for some type of speaking practice for once or twice a week (for 1h or so,).

Do you think this is optimal? What's your routine?

submitted by /u/Didacc
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from Γειά σας | Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
