Learning an accent?

I'm American, native English speaker, family is all English for generations. My current TL is German. I'm probably not even at an A1 level yet, and this is my first language I'm working on. I can't seem to do a German accent in the sense of a German speaking English. Do you think this would be somewhat of a requirement to form a proper accent in my TL?

For example, I can't do a Russian accent (native Russian speaking English), so would I have trouble with the Russian accent?

Weird question, but I'm just curious if I should expect to improve a LOT with time, or if I'll probably always struggle here since I can't sound like a German (or other language) speaking English to start with.

I saw a video from a Polyglot gathering where a guy spoke Spanish in a French accent. It was like, mind blowing, haha. Made me realize it may be a concern is all.

Oh, final caveat, I've been learning German as my first foreign language for 3 months (almost to the day), so I realize I'm going to be VERY bad right now, haha.

submitted by /u/WeiseGamer
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