Finding foreign language audio and ebooks online that don't break the bank.

Hey guys,

I need help. I've recently found a language learning method that works for me, it involves listening to audio books while reading the ebooks of some of my favourite stories from when I was a kid (Harry Potter series and His Dark Materials trilogy) and then creating Anki flashcards from the sentences I find.

I have some of the books but not others (the languages I am studying are not that 'popular' (Dutch & Irish), so they don't have a big market). Audible doesn't have much for me, and for some reason buying audio CDs on Amazon usually costs more than I'm willing to pay. I am willing to pay, but let's be reasonable.

I don't know where else I can find them as my usual avenues have all turned up empty.

Do you guys know where I might try finding them? (All suggestions are welcome both payed and the other one ;))

Where do you guys normally find good foreign language audio books and ebooks, or even if the book you want is translated!

Is there some depository resource somewhere?

Thanks for your help!

submitted by /u/iNerd93
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from ansa| Languagelearning
via Learn Online English Speaking
