Why learning Latin before other European languages is good

Before we begin,

By no means am I a language expert nor polyglot. I’m just some kid who likes to learn languages. I started taking Latin in middle school (still am in middle school XD). This is my really first time learning a language because all my other friends took Latin, back in elementary school we learned Spanish but no one in Spanish ever tried. We would learn things suck as rojo azul. All that ez stuff. Latin was the start of my liking of languages. It really intrigued me (even though we can’t speak Latin) that I could read and write another language. Near the end of the year, most of us (except the slackers) have memorized verb endings, noun declensions/cases, and a decent amount of vocab. At this point , it is the summer of 7th grade and I got bored so I decided that I wanted to learn Spanish. People learning Spanish are always saying how the conjugation is the hardest thing. But to me, I understood why “ I am singing” is Canto and Cantar is to sing because it is an infinitive. All this came from learning Latin.

submitted by /u/TSOT7
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