Switching from chinese to japanese

Hi all!

TLDR: I applied to university wanting to learn chinese because I felt like it'd give me more opportunities but it's not really getting me "hooked", should i switch to japanese?

I started university just a little over a month ago here in Italy and I applied to linguistic and cultural mediation. I had to choose two languages to learn and my first choice was (ofc) english while my second one was Chinese. My main reasoning for choosing chinese was that it's one of the most spoken languages in the world and it would basically give me more opportunities for future jobs, I also thought I'd be interested in it's culture as I was and am about Japan's, apparently it's not really having the same appeal and I'm thinking about switching to learning japanese, I feel like I would be more motivated in learning it thanks to how I'm a bit more attracted to it's culture (music, history, and all the other pop culture stuff that you can see on the internet). My question is: should I switch to a language I feel I'm more interested in even if it may hold less job opportunities? Or should I just suck it up, learn chinese in school and then learn japanese in the future on my own?

Thanks to everyone in advance for the replies!

submitted by /u/ScottorDotti
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