I'm going to the Azores islands next summer and I was wondering how verbs are conjugated in portuguese Portuguese.

I'm learning Portuguese through Babbel and they're teaching us verbs with parallel second and third person (você come, ele come, vós comem, eles comem). I suppose that this is the Brazilian pronunciation since on the internet it's tu comes/ele come, vós comeis/eles comem. I don't know if that's a Brazil/Portugal difference, or a everyday/formal speech difference for all Portuguese speakers. I'm afraid to speak fluent Portuguese but with a wrong set of verbs, I don't want to be misunderstood since tenses are so important and play such an important role in the sentence. Can someone from Portugal tell me how they conjugate it? If you're from the Azores, how do they say it?

submitted by /u/Judebazz
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